A selection of talks by Adelchi Azzalini on symmetry-modulated distributions
The skew-normal distribution and related multivariate families,
presented at the
20th Nordic Conference
on Mathematical Statistics, Jyväskylä, 6-10 June 2004.
The talk has been expanded into a review paper of which you can get
here the author's copy, later published
in Scand. J. Statist. (2005)
Recenti sviluppi nella teoria delle distribuzioni e loro applicazioni,
XLIII Riunione scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica,
Torino, 14-16 giugno 2006. This is associated to
a review paper (in English)
Robust inference based on flexible parametric families of distributions,
ICORS, Parma, June 2009
Do we need more probability distributions?
(Some remarks on criteria for model building)
SEIO-2010, `Skewing Symmetry 25 Years on', A Coruña, 14th September 2010
Selection models under generalized symmetry
presented at 7th Conference on Multivariate Distributions with Applications,
Maresias, Brazil, 8-13 August 2010
Stochastic representations and other properties of skew-symmetric
a talk at Universität Rostock, 29th September 2011
The work of Fernando de Helguero
on non-normality arising from selection
presented at "A Celebration of N. Balakrishnan's
30 years of Contributions to Statistics",
Hong Kong, 28--31 December 2011
On the problem of ML estimates on the boundary of the parameter
space for skew-normal and skew-t distributions
presented at IISA Conference, Chennai, 2-5 Jan 2013
Skew-symmetric distributions in 45'
presented at the workshop on
Non-Gaussian Multivariate Statistical Models and their Applications
held at BIRS, Banff, Canada, in May 2013.
There exists a partial recorded
video of this talk ('partial' because the initial 25' are missing).
A one-day course on symmetry-modulated distributions
given at the Católica Universidad de Chile, in October 2017;
the course was complemented by a
tutorial introduction
to the R package 'sn'.
Symmetry-modulated distributions: an introduction
given at CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain,
on 26th January 2018.
The various forms of skew-elliptical distributions and their role in
given at the 5th workshop on `Recent Developments in Dependence
Modelling' in Aegina, Greece, on 14th September 2018
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Skew-Normal distribution